Common Sense About Colour
Sir: I, like Simon Raven (3 January), prefer to begin with first principles. To be pure in heart is not enough in a world where the ideals of one person are prejudices for......
A Touch Of The Enochs ?
Sir : I always enjoy the SPECTATOR whether, in its columns, from time to time, I am praised or blamed. To be called one week (6 December 1968) the Madame de Sevigne of the......
Sir: Simon Raven's List Of Propositions (3 January) Was...
Dominating every public discussion of this subject is the unvoiced proposition which might be phrased as follows: no white man wants his identity eliminated in black......
Student Stirs
LETTERS From Cyril Ray, T. C. Skeffington-Lodge, Dr E. J. Mishan, Kevin Morris, David Mills Daniel, G. Cromarly Bloom, Stephen Potter, Sandra Anderson, John Colvin, E. Adams, E.......