7 JANUARY 1882, page 9

The Negotiations For The French Commercial Treaty Are...

for the present, and it seems pretty certain that the old Treaty will now be allowed to expire on February 8th,—that is, at the end of the three months for which it was......

On Tuesday, Mr. Bright And Mr. Chamberlain Addressed...

at Birmingham, in speeches chiefly devoted to the Irish Question. Mr. Bright pointea out, in relation to the charge brought against Mr. Gladstone that in his Irish policy he......

Notice To Advertisers.

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPEC- 'TATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The First of......

The Week Has Been Full Of Rumours, Statements, And Denials

about Egypt. The rumours and statements, which are strongly affirmed by correspondents of the Times, and are evidently believed in Vienna, all tend to this—that the British and......

* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


) The Best Answer To The Landlords' Meeting Is, Perhaps,

the letter from Lord Monck to the Times, which appeared on Monday. Lord Monck, who knows the subject profoundly and has governed provinces, says that the late Sir R. Griffith......

News Of The Week • 't He Landlords Of Ireland Met

"in their thousands" in Dublin on Tuesday, in the Exhibition Palace. One duke, five mar- quises, twenty-two earls, eight viscounts, and twenty-two barons, with about 3,000......

The Latest News From Cairo Is That Arabi Bey, The

leader of the soldiers and the Nationalists, has been appointed Under- Secretary for War. This means that his demands are con- ceded, and exactly corresponds to Colonel Gordon's......