7 JULY 1939, page 24

[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sir,—i Have Been Reading

with great interest the correspond- ence on "The Gospels Re-read," which appeared in your issue of last week. Perhaps you would allow a modernist Christian to add some words on......

The Purpose Of Prcpaganda [to The Editor Of The Spectator]

Sta,—May I, as a journalist who, by education and training, has some knowledge of German mentality, add a short com- ment to the excellent article on " The Purpose of Propaganda......

The Oxford Group Co., Ltd.

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] Sra,—Your journal, and others similar to it, and a large number of daily newspapers have been made aware of the opposition which is being felt......

The Comradeship Of Conscription [to The Editor Of The...

SIR,—I notice that a number of headmasters and distinguished visitors at recent public school speech days have welcomed conscription, because it will give public school boys a......

German Mentality [to The Editor Of The Spectator]...

diplomat and political scientist, Nicolas Machiavelli (b. 1469), bequeathed to us his thumb- nail Picture of Germany in that momentous Renaissance century which saw the fall of......