"tbe Opettator," 3uiv 6tb, 1850
THE DEATH OF PEEL PEEL constructed a party for the special purpose of teachin g the " conservative " g enius of En g lish statesmanship how to reconcile itself to advancin g......
Words For Singing
THERE was a bird all summer san g , win g in g its five white notes. - There was a bird all summer long singing the one bright song away, la ti la fe ray. It san g in the......
POSSIBLY interest in James Joyce the man has been heightened by the very success of his personal policy of " silence, exile and cunning." But whatever the reason the interest......
Music " Endless Yearning, Longing, The Bliss And The...
of love world, power, fame, honour, chivalry, loyalty and friendship all blown away like an insubstantial dream ; one thing alone left living—longing, longing unquenchable, a......