There Would Appear To Be Trouble Coming In...
to both Russian and German journals, the Sultan has fallen into a state of melancholia, or even madness, which at times so incapacitates him for business that there is talk of a......
The Joint Committee Of Lords And Commons Has Rejected The
first great plan of amalgamation, that of the London and North- Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Companies. No reasons are given, but it is believed the Committee......
The Spanish Cortes Has Met, And Is Busily Engaged In
veri- fying its powers. It is well understood, however, that it con- sists by eight to one of Moderate Republicans, who in the changed situation of France are almost Unitarios ;......
The Claimant And His Judges Have Had Their Whitsuntide...
like the rest of us, so that the days of trial during the last week have been few, and the upshot of the witnesses' examination is not of great moment. Stonyhurst witnesses have......
The Times Has Received A Full Report From Newfoundland Of
the voyage of the American ship Polaris, which, after reaching the 82° 16', lost its commander, Captain Hall, apparently by apoplexy, on the 8th of November, 1871, and a......
M. De Lesseps Should Go To America, Get The Aid
of Jay Gould,. " finance " a Pasha for Nicaragua, and cut the Darien Canal. It wants cutting to shorten the voyage of English vessels. He will make nothing of his grand plan of......
Poor Mr. Bradlaugh Did Not Get Much By His Mission
from the Republicans of England to the Republicans of Spain. The Ministry would have nothing to do with him, the Madrid muni- cipality would not give him a dinner, and even the......
Lord Fitzwilliam Has Had Rather A Remarkable Conflict...
colliers. A man named Hargreaves refused to join the Union, and the Unionists, after threatening him, demanded that he should be dismissed, thus, as Lord Fitzwilliam says,......