7 MARCH 1970, page 25

Equal What?

Sir: How we all fall for slogans: 'equal pay for equal work'! But is it equal work? If men had to cope with menstruation, pregnancy, confinement, child nursing and rearing,......


From Z. R. Prvulocich, Archibald Tober, E. W. Wilton, H. W. Belmore, Dr Israel Shahak, Philip Larkin, David Mills Daniel, R. E. Williams, Derek Hudson, the Rev G. V. R. Grant,......

Violence Pays

Sir: Your Mr Gale prompts me to write again; I see (`Viewpoint', 28 February) he has been to Amman. So many journalists and politicians spend a day or two in Am- man and other......

Education Without Reason

Sir: As a former teacher and as an elected member for many years of education com- mittees, I should like to comment briefly on Mr Michael Smith's letter (28 February). I do not......

Negro Violence

Sir: The letter of Dr E. J. Mishan (21 February) about the 'responsibilities' of Negroes is both ambiguous and dangerous. First, the ambiguity. What means the con- clusion 'that......