7 MAY 1904, page 3

On Behalf Of The Executive Committee Of The Central...

Trust Association, Lord Grey has addressed a circular to the Press on the Licensing Bill, with which we heartily concur. He justifies a strenuous opposition to the adoption of......

Lecturing At The Royal Institution On Friday Week On "

Westminster Abbey in the Early Part of the Seventeenth Century," the Dean of Westminster dealt at length with the history of the Chapel of the Pyx. Though certain Royal......

Neither The Policy Advocated By Mr. Chamberlain Nor That By

Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman will come to fruition, and therefore neither declaration is of any importance except as indicating that neither right honourable gentleman knows......

Lord Selborne's Speech At The Royal Academy Banquet On...

consisted chiefly of a story which is so admirable that we must repeat it. Somewhere in the Pacific, at Haiti possibly, two small cruisers, British and American, found the......

In The House Of Lords On Thursday Lord Lansdowne, In

answer to Lord Spencer, expressed very grave apprehensions on the condition of things in the Balkan Peninsula,— apprehensions which are fully shared by those who have just......

To Say That No Effect Whatever Will Be Produced On

political action. When the Southwark and Birmingham Bishoprics Bill was before the House—a Bill which, we regret to say, was opposed on the very wrong-headed, and even absurd,......

In The House Of Commons On Thursday Major Seely Moved

the adjournment of the House in order to draw attention to the cruel treatment of the natives in the Witwatersrand mines, and quoted largely from a Blue-book which bad just been......
