The Opium Danger Today [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—There is need, from time to time, to take stock of the opium menace in relation to world conditions, because the evil tends to break out, like some epidemic, in new......
Conditions In Mental Hospitals [to The Editor Of The...
SIR,—AS a "Visiting Justice" (Magistrate) under the Lunacy' Act, 1890, for many years past, I have been interested in the correspondence on this subject. More especially have I......
Sir,—may I Suggest That The Article By The Dean Of
Exeter in your Coronation issue would have been better headed "The Church of England " ? It may well be that, because, to him, " Religion " and the Church of England are synony-......
The Caledonian Water-power Scheme [to The Editor Of The...
SIR,—It is a pity that Mr. P. H. Thomson did not have the opportunity of listening to a wireless debate on "Power in the Highlands" (Scottish Regional, April 22nd, 1937) over......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—with Reference To...
correspondent's letter in your issue of April 23rd, I would point out that Sir Archibald Sinclair's criticism of the brochure referred to was fully replied to by the Master of......