6 MAY 1943, page 22


No Directions. By James Hanley. (Faber. 7s. 6d.) Wind Before Rain. By John Weaver. (Chapman and Hall. 9s.) Anya . By Joy Davidman. (Jarrolds. 9s.) Somewhere in England. By......

Shi Rter Notices

Always Afternoon. By Faith Compton Mackenzie. (Collins. r2s. 6d.) THERE are three qualities which may give an autobiography some- thing more than the very mild interest......

Finance And Investment

By CUSTOS THOSE who expected that the surmounting of the Budget hurdle would enable markets to develop a stronger stride have so far been disappointed. At the moment there is......

How To Read A Page. By I. A. Richards. (kegan

Paul. ros. 6d.) EVER since the discovery that words have different meanings has been called Semantics, no effort seems to have been spared for their obfuscation, and Mr.......