7 MAY 1954, page 13


Prince Valiant. (Carlton.)—Hell and High Water. (Odeon, Marble • Arch.)-- --- Henrietta. (Cameo-Poly.) HAVING been so Often accused of interpreting history in comic strip terms,......

Road Accidents

Sta, — The point which Mr. Edmunds makes is a good one. The offence commonly known as drunken driving' is in law committed by being " under the influence of drink or a drug to......

Letters To The Editor

THE FILM FRACAS SiR.-1 hope that you will be able, to find space for this letter in reply to the article entitled 'The Film Fracas' by Nicholas Davenport which was published in......

Sir,—may 1 Support The Plea Of Dr. A. L, Goodhart

for a Royal Commission on-Road Safety ? I was police surgeon in this city for more than 30 years and must have exam- ined hundreds of motorists arrested by the police for being......

Not Enough Smeddum

Sur,—May I venture to point out that your excellent paper has (not, of course, surpris- ingly), followed the Lord Lyon in his curious lapse from accuracy in the controversy......