7 MAY 1965, page 29

A Place In My Mind

The Name on the Knife-Blade By ROY HA TERSIF Y. Ml' O N the day that 1 was born my grandmother wept to think that she should have a grand- child who would never see a green......

Solution To Crossword No.1168

ACROSS.-1 Inhabits. S Talcum. 9 Tattooed. 10 Smirks. 12 Noodle. 13 Stone-age. 15 Prevaricates. 18 Quarter. plate. 23 Abstruse. 24 Spring. 26 Enamel. 27 Throttle. 28 Yodler. 29......

Spectator Crossword No. 1169

I. How to rise above a telling-off (6) 4. A low haunt of united tricksters, perhaps? (8) 8. A water-colour, one might assume (8) 10. Sure am an entertainer! (6) 12. He's on the......