7 NOVEMBER 1874, page 3

The Conservatives Are Indulging In What Seem To Us Very

fanciful hopes that Convocation may yield to the wish for a revision of the Rubrics in the sense desired by Parliament. For -example, both Lord Galway, M.P. for East Retford,......

Kullmann, The Assassin Who Attempted Prince Bismarck's...

sentenced to a very moderate punishment, con- sidering the nature of his-crime. The sentence is fourteen years' imprisonment in the House of Correction, -ten years' loss of......

The Times' Report Of Professor Tyndall's Lecture At...

week, on , 4 Crystalline and Molecular Forces," seems to have misssed Professor Tyndall's meaning in the final exhortation to "cast out scepticism," and of course, therefore,......

The Midland Railway Company, Amazed At The Disfavorn-...

their-recent 1 , reform" has been received, have put forward a defence which contains new promises. They will put on Pal- man cars as fast as they can, they will set aside......

The Secretary For India On Wednesday Received A...

Manchester manufacturers, who pray for -the abolition of the heavy duty now levied on their goods in India. Lord Salisbury acknowledged that in principle the remonstrants were......

At All Events, Dr. Pusey And Archdeacon Allen Hold Out

no hope that 'Convocation will stir a step in the matter of Rubrical Reform. In the Times Thursday, there is a short correspond- ence between these gentlemen, in Which......

Cardinal Cullen And The Irish Catholic Bishops Put Out Last

week a very careful Pastoral on the relation between science and faith, as discussed at Belfast in the meeting -of the British Association in August last. The Cardinal broaches......

Consols Were On Friday 93-9311.
