Obstruction Of The Transit To India.
BEFORE an order issued from the General Post-office in March last, two mails a month used to be sent to India by the overland route, on the 3d and on the 20th of each month :......
Breaking Bulk At Stowe.
STowB still resounds to the hammer of the auctioneer ; the sale being endless. The catalogue of curiosities, works of art, furni- ture, &c., reads more like the inventory of a......
A Conservative Plea For City Dignity.
SIR JAMES DIIKE ' the Lord Mayor elect, has satisfied the pub- lic opinion of the City by the pledge which he has given, and which we find reported in these terms- " If his......
The Distressed Manager.
Ting defences upon which theatrical managers are put are extraordinary. It seems that any actor who has the face to de- mand a very exorbitant salary, conceives that he has ipso......