Nothing Further Has As Yet Transpired As To The Riot
at Market Drayton. We are informed, however, that in many towns the really active opponents of the adoption of the Local Self-Govern- ment Act are persons interested either in......
The Home Office Has Appointed A Commission To Inquire Into
the origin and nature of the cattle plague, the best mode of treat- ment, and the most efficient preventives. The commission includes Lord Spencer, Lord Cranbourne, Mr. Robert......
The News From New Zealand Shows That The Colonial Forces
are already doing more without the military than the military have for a long time done. General Cameron, as we men- tioned last week, had resigned. Five regiments were to......
September Ended On Saturday As Cloudlessly As It Began, And
Mr. Allnatt sends to the Times an account of the meteorology of the month. It has been a remarkable one—cloudless, hot, and un- healthy—the thermometer having ranged repeatedly......
The 'revenue Returns For The Half-year Show A Very Close
ap- proximation between Mr. Gladstone's estimates and the actual receipts, which means probably—as the second half-year is generally more productive than the first, owing to......
The Star Has "reason To Know" That The Fate Of
the Duchies has been decided, Prussia having resolved to carry out the annex- ation at all hazards. An "elaborate justification" of this policy has already been drawn up, and......
Lord Brougham Opened The Social Science Congress On...
at Sheffield with one of those dreary addresses which travel far and say nothing. The only interesting fact communicated was that social science does not admit of dangerous......
The Secretary Of The Aborigines Protection Society Wrote...
the Times last week, to maintain that their foolish address had not encouraged the Maories in the land-league policy,—the policy of prohibiting the sale of land by individual......
Mr. Edmund Tattersall, The Great Repudiator Of What He...
the " spontaneous-nonsense" theory of Rinderpest, and advocate of the policy of extermination for cattle, has given us a very in- structive lesson this week as to the limits of......
An Audience In A London Theatre Has Actually Found Courage
to mutiny. The lessee of the Princess's on Monday produced a play called Never Too Late to Mend, based upon Mr. Reade's famous novel of the same name. The story is not a bad one......