The Ita Vetoed A Candid-camera Pro G Ramme On Lines Amply...
by American shorts and BBC radio. Now, low and behold (I nearly wrote Lew and behold—we die with our puns clean) the resistible personality of Bob Monkhouse is attuned each......
Old And S Q Uare, It Makes A Committed Critic Feel; Rather,
maybe, as the Thirties intellectuals Must have felt when they suddenly found them- selves talkin g to g rown-up people who didn't care about Spain : who'd missed it. 'The belief......
R _ Aro V V With The Desi G Nin G , And The Des-
cription, of haute couture, it is q uite another matter—thou g h just as odd. Its g reat desi g ners are men (have they always been, I wonder? Saul clothed the dau g hters of......
To The Cinema .' Young,' One Of Them In T His Country
writes, 'take odd, isolated, almost id' ° „ syncratic lines like: preferring later Hitchau)......
to Brian Rix, of the Whitehall Theatre farces, to act as spotter-producer-actor, and ITV's back- pedal on its presti g e proposal to put out Old Vic productions on STV. 'Lew has......
O NE OF THE odd thin g s about hi g h fashion—and g oodness knows it has plenty—is that attitudes to it do not cleave alon g lines of sex. Almost as many women as men think it......