Terrible Television
Terrible television Sir: I am taken aback by Paul Johnson's beliefs (The media, 2 September) that American television 'is rich in both quality and variety', and that the......
Mao, Hollis Etc
Mao, Hollis etc Sir: A. S. Hollis's attack on my book The Truth About Hollis (Letters, 30 September) repeating word for word in its central part his letter to the Independent......
Words Worse
Words worse I Sir: My word processor suggests that Mr Douglas Whored and Mr Nigel Liaison may have more in common than politics. Sandy Gilroy 97 Jermyn Street, London SWI......
Paper Chase
Paper chase Sir: Your amazement at the cultural achievements of a society which attributes 'value to bits of paper' (Diary, 16 September) was shared by Juan de Ulloa, a Spanish......
Proud Author
Proud author Sir: I was cheered by Auberon Waugh's comments on my book A Vain Conceit (Another voice, 30 September), although he declined to mention either my name or its title.......