7 SEPTEMBER 1889, page 15


DUALITY. "I sleep, but my heart awaketh." Mr soul's companion has a keener sense, More truly marks, more clearly registers, The thing I see, the thought that in me stirs ; She......

Welsh Religious Statistics.

[To THI EDITOR OF TER " $PROTATOR."] Srn,—Bridgend is a typical Welsh country town, nearly mid- way between Cardiff and Swansea, in South Glamorganshire. Recently the Bridgend......

Recognition By Animals Of Pictures.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Thirty years ago, I was staying at Langley, near Chippenham, with a lady who was working a large screen, on which she depicted in "......

Dreams And Will-power.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] have only this morning been able to read the article in the Spectator of August 31st on " Dreams," on which I am tempted to make a few......

Students' Blunders.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sin, — The following fine specimen of a schoolboy's blunder was produced by administering a passage from the "Moretum " to be done as an "......