8 FEBRUARY 1992, page 25

Swiss Switch

Swiss switch Silr: Some1] moii h1(1s ago yoU lpulh isllCd ;111 article (T he secret psolice statc, 27 .Ju ly I9 I) ill whichl the an1thlor described Switzerland as at nation of......

[sir: Thirty Years Ago I Spent Some Time Fail-...]

Sil: 'Thirty ycars ago I Sp)Celt Somc iillli falii - ing to colivil cc aI tilvcirlll owricl rjSt oultsi'de Atliciis that tihe (delicacy hic hiad just servd(l uip coulId not......

Second Opinion

Second opinion Sir: O(h dlear, oh dcear, kind Mr WaLugh was quite right to tell mle off orwas Wastiig mlly tillmc Witll pif'I'ling research oil thle effects of' income......

Shaggy Dog Story

Shaggy dog story Sil: Chbristoplhle I-I dwards sCCeems completcly to have ImlissCd the point ill Vivicei lFlis's 'dog song' (Arts. 25 .I lalnllry). Filla frlo bein1g inlllocIlt,......



Rod For His Own Back

Rod for his ownl back Sir: AN. Wilson (D)iary, II IJanuary) talks of Molt 1I cr'ercsa being 'kcpt alive' as il slc WClC Som11 Soil of, braill-dallmagcd vcgtlahic. Angioplasty is......

[sir: While Testicles Or 'rognons Blancs' May...]

More balls Sir: Whilc tcsticics or 'rognions alil ics' may1tV | no longer hc ofTlclt'r iII I'lrclch restau rants (lct t is, I lFCbria ryv) your IrcaiCrS will lbc reticevcd to......

More Information

More informnationi Sir: Mr (iowiilg in 111c /)Ma *, ,f Nobod ' Says thait 1ic (idnil't mtinid at ;, jokc whlen it WaISIlt X iuLC, hIllt a IunI OII it 11;1111Ca, to his thinking,......

Spoiling The Broth

Spoiling the broth Sir: IIn an extremely disparaging refecrencc to tilie ( Onlselrvaltive Research D)epa rt men t's ('Campaiign (uide 1')1 (which I edited), SilllOl I lceffr (......