8 JANUARY 1994, page 18

Pay As You Like

Pay As You Like THOSE B3ROWN eInvClopCs ought to Contain a check-list. (If 1 nerved nmyscl to opCn them I might find that they did.) 'Mark the following projects', it would say,......

Churchill's Law

Churchill's Law C(HURCHILL WAS thc Chanccllor candid Cenoulggh to cxplain why Tax Frcccloi D)ay gets later and latcr: "Ilic truth is - and I speak with thc advantagc of a......

[my New Year's Mailbag Got Off To A...]

CITY AND SUBURBAN_ A taxpayer writes: Dear Inland Revenue, why don't you spend it on me? CH RI STO P I-i ER FI LD ES M\4y ncw yca rs malilhbg got of'' to, , mixed start, with......



Wodehouse Was Right

Wodehouse was right Thc Treasury hates the whole idea of' taxpayers picking and choosilng. 1lax, it believes, ought to go into 0oe big pot. Whose hand on thc ladle? I recall a......