A People Cannot Govern.
Tun National Assembly of France is accused of being "reactionary" : it was created by the universal suffrage of the nation, and yet it is "reactionary"! This amounts to a......
The Rose-coloured Revenue Accounts.
WHAT a charming spirit of faith and hope animates all the subofficial races—from court newsmen to court newspaper-men ! The court newsman turns every act of royalty "to......
Irish Gallantry.
Fon a chivalrous people—and are they not chivalrous I—the Irish have strange ideas as to the employment of their women. The Irish Felon, descanting on war with England, finds......
" N'arcissa's Nature, Tolerably Mild,
To make a wash would hardly stew a child": whereas your "gentle bashful Nora Creina " will cook a whole company of soldiers. At least her countrymen say so ; but we don't......
The Two Pulpits.
- VARIOUS modes have been discovered for carrying on religions controversy : the denizens of Modern Athens show favour to a very piquant kind. Two gentlemen entertained scruples......
Improved Arrangements At Railway Stations.
Iv is discovered that the Railway Commission has more pay than work, and Lord John Russell talks of reducing salaries : yet there seems plenty of work to do, in the way of......