8 MARCH 1986, page 22

The Speaking Bank

The speaking bank Sir: 'Home life' (22 February) reminded me of my brief and inglorious career as student officer/service-till minder at MY employer's (NatWest) university......

Careerist Editors

Careerist editors Sir: I must take issue with Paul Johnson when he suggests (Student magazines, 15 February) that 'Many of these [student] papers seem to be used by their......

Honeyford Silenced

Honeyford silenced Sir: May I correct a factual error in the Spectator of 22 February (Portrait of the week)? You said, 'Mr Ray Honeyford had to cancel a speaking engagement at......


Monkton Sir: Like Geraldine Norman, we would rather not see car parks, tea rooms and disabled toilets at Monkton ('Surrealist folly', 22 February), but such things seem to us to......

Roosevelt And Kinnock

LE TTERR S Roosevelt and Kinnock Sir: I greatly enjoyed, and heartily concur in, Ferdinand Mount's appreciation of Brian Walden's supremely skilful television interviews......