A Letter From Mr. Ernest A F. James, Who Accompanied
the fleet of small ships which sailed last summer for the Yenesei with rails for the Siberian railway, was published in Monday's Times, giving very satisfactory accounts of the......
On Saturday Last, A Gathering Of Old Balliol Men, Remark-
able alike in quantity and quality, met in the theatre of the University of London, under the chairmanship of the Speaker, to consider what form should be given to a memorial of......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 97 1 1- xd.......
Marshal Martinez Campos May Be Intending An Immediate...
the Riff country. It is said that he is, and that the great Arab tribes are preparing to resist him to the death. His actions, however, suggest to cool observers that he has a......
The Evidence Given Before The Opium Commission In Cal- Cutta
by Mr. James Monro is a remarkable contribution to the literature of the subject. Mr. Monro is the well-known civilian who, after a successful Indian career as Inspector.......
It Would Seem Probable That Admiral De Mello, The Insurgent
leader in Brazil, intends to follow the precedent set in Chili. A strongly organised, though small, army has grown up in Rio Grande do Sul, and has beaten the Republican troops......
The Italian Government Is In Rather A Serious Scrape. Signor
Zanardelli has entirely failed in his effort to form a Ministry, he shrinking from the strong measures, especially in the way of taxation and "purification," which statesmen see......
A Very Strong Deputation In Favour Of The Local Veto
Bill was received on Thursday by Mr. Gladstone and Sir W. Har- court. The Chancellor of the Exchequer informed them that the Government adhered firmly to their Bill, and were......
Professor Tyndall Was Not Only An Enterprising...
one of the most enterprising mountaineers of his day. Mr. W. M. Conway gives an interesting account of this side of the Professor in the Westminster Gazette of Thursday. Not......