Irish Unity
Sir: Irish unification can only be, and will only be, brought about by a proper unification of these two islands — call them the British or Western Isles or what you will. That......
Blowing His Top
From Dr John A. H. Wylie Sir: Mr Patrick Cosgrave is, surely, amongst our most perceptive political commentators but even he can scarcely have witnessed so immediate a......
Hunting The Hunter
Sir: The writer of your 'Hunting the hunter' paragraph (Notebook, November 25) seems to be quite at sea as to why there have been so many protests against Princess Anne going......
Eire Referendum
Sir: There is to be a referendum in Ireland (Eire) about the Article in the Constitution (Article 44) which states "the special position of the Catholic Church in Ireland." Your......
Capital Punishment
From Lord Savernahe Sir: It puzzles me that so many people, who have never witnessed a hanging, regard it as a barbaric f: method of carrying out a death sentence. Having seen......