[sir: I Agree Wholeheartedly With Digby...]
Sir: I agree wholeheartedly with Digby I Anderson that the English people are an impatient bunch. I, for one, could not wait to finish his article. Please, no more 'buffet car'......
Delaying Delight
Delaying delight Sir: Digby Anderson is right to point out ('Christmas comes but once a week', 2 December) that many delinquents have an 'inability to defer gratification'.......
Invasion Of Privacy
Invasion of privacy Sir: With reference to the Princess of Wales's interview, your leading article (25 November) was fair and objective, but I take exception to two of the......
L E T T E R S All rather rum Sir: I was rather surprised (though after some of your earlier range-finding shots from the editorial chair I suppose one should be surprised by......
[sir: Frank Johnson's Outrageous Anti-di...]
Sir: Frank Johnson's outrageous anti-Di I piece (Leader, 25 November) must have been written with the sole intention of swelling your post-bag. Well, you're not catching me out......