[part Of The Shareholders Of The Great Eastern Are...
Part of the shareholders of the Great Eastern are circulating in all directions a proposal for buying the great ship by a lottery to be opened at Frankfort. The first prize is......
[forty Derbyshire Magistrates Out Of 119 Belonging To...
Forty Derbyshire magistrates out of 119 belonging to the county have remonstrated in very forcibl laenguage against the mode in whichi Mr. Townley's alleged lunacy has been......
[on The Same Day, An Almost Equally Interesting...
On the same day, an almost cqually interesting discussion was tOiD- on at Reading as to the desirability of admittin!r a Roman Catholic priest to see Roman Catholic prisoners in......
[both The Members For The Borough Of Oxford Addressed...
Both the members for the borough of Oxford addressed their con- stituents on New Year's Day, the occasion being a dinner of the Ancient Order of Druids. M\r. Cardwell made an......
[on Thursday Last Lord Stanley, In Distributing The...
On Thursday last Lord Stanley, in distributing the prizes to the successful competitors in the Oxford local examination at Alanchester, made a sensible speech on the value of......
[indecent Assaults On Ladies In Railway-carriages Are...
I Indecent assaults on ladies in railway-carriages are said to be becoming frequent, and the Great Western Company are prosecuting a charge of the kind with commendable......
[mr. Mure, The Conservative Member For Buteshire, Has...
Mr. Mure, the Conservative member for Buteshire, has made a I speech to his constituents, in which lie argues strongly for a speedy recognition of the South, though approving......
[the Address Submitted To The Legislative Body Of France...
I The Address submitted to the Legislative Body of France was read on Tuesday, and is an unusually outspoken paper. 'The members inform the Emperor that his distant expeditions......
[mr. Bright Seems To Be Held In High Honour In The United...
Mr. Bright seems to be held in high honour in the United States. A young man named Rubery, of Birmingham, bought a vessel at San Francisco to fit out as a privateer under the......
[on Tuesday The Surrey Magistrates Decided To Appoint...
On Tuesday the Surrey magistrates decided to appoint and I remunerate with a salary of 1001. a year a Roman Catholic Chaplain for the Wandswortlh House of Correction. They......
[the Bucks Election Ended, Of Course, In The Election Of...
The Bucks election ended, of course, in the election of the Duke's nominee, Mr. R. B. Harvey. Dr. Lee polled only 313 votes, and was accused of unfairness in putting Mr. Harvey......
[on Monday, Lord Caernarvon Carried The Report Of His...
On Monday, Lord Caernarvon carried the report of his committee I on the prison discipline of the Winchester County Gaol, at a full Court of Hamnpshire justices, by a majority of......
[it Appears To Be Decided That The Archduke Maximilian...
It appears to be decided that the Archduke Maximilian shall arrive in Mexico in March. General Bazaine is still in pursuit of Juarez; but five provinces have been fairly......