9 JULY 1892, page 43

The Annual Register, 1891. (longraans.)—this, The Eighth...

new series, is as likely to be useful as its pre- decessors. The first part consists of continuous summaries of affairs in England, and in the principal countries of the world ;......

The Tradesmen's Tokens Of The Eighteenth Century. By...

(W. S. Lincoln and Son.)—This is a labour of love, accomplished by an author whose somewhat Dryasdustish enthu- siasm is unbounded, and whose fitness for his task is proved by......

The Expositor. Edited By The Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll, M.a.

Vol. V. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Perhaps the most interesting portion of this volume is that occupied by Professor Cheyne's review, in three parts, of his colleague Professor......

The Princess Taralcanova : A Dark Chapter Of Russian...

Translated from the Russian of S. P. Danilevski by Ida de Monchanoff. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—Somehow Russian novels fail to "catch on" in this country. Even the......

Swift : Selections From His Works. Edited, With Life,...

tions, and Notes, by Henry Craik. In 2 vole. Vol. I. (Claren- don Press.)—Although the work has been done, and for the most part well done, already, it is fitting that the......

We Have Received The Seventh Volume Of The New Edition

of The Cambridge Shakespeare, edited by William Aldis Wright (Mac- millan). This volume contains Timon of Athens, Julius Calor, Macbeth, and Hamlet. The edition is to Le......