Civil Rights For Ulster
Civil rights tfot Ulster Sir: Your eurrlespsonlikat. ( '~i-i ~i N/1oorc ('A 4uestioll of allegian.e', 2) tuobehr) 1aS given all entirely maccur ac aJLt.i ou l Of thle Civil......
[sir: In His Review Of George Keyt's Exhibi-...]
Keyt as imitator Sir: 1In his rcvicw of Gicorgc Keyt's cxhibi- iion (2 Octobcr) John McEwcln writcs: 'Bctter than anything at the Academy arc the paintings and drawings of......
[sir: I Have Certain Reservations About John...]
Sir: i have certain rcscrvations about John McEwen's review of the Kcyt exhibition at the Patrick Scale Gallery (2 October). First, when a show opens on 7 September and closes......
Debasing Women
Letters Debasing women Sir: I object strongly to Richard West's implication (25 Septemtber) that I am opposed to Mary Whitchouse in her condem nation ot violent and......
Creation Sir: Jefficy Bernard would havc us bliCie that hc shared a first-class railway coiPa nicia with a pimply adoicsccint train-l and a lattoocd rcader of le Sutin (I )V lit......