9 SEPTEMBER 1972, page 26

Ugandan Asians

Sir: Much of the dismay and unhappiness of ordinary Britishers about the Ugandan Asian crisis, as of immigration since the War, arises from the fact that they have nobody to......

Sir: Perhaps If Mr Balmforth (september 2) Lived In Southall

or Wolverhampton or Bradford or Slough, rather than in Woking, he would be more concerned about promises made to the British electorate at the time of the last election than......

Sniping At Liberals

Sir: Every year, September 1 marks the opening of the season for sniping at the Liberal Party. This year we find Hugh Macpher son stuffing his blunderbuss with rusty old......

Knocking The Times

From Dr John A. H. Wylie Sir: So great is my regard for The Spectator that I grieve when I feel compelled to take up my pen to adminster a rebuke. It really does not become a......

Murder And Sport

Sir: I am boycotting the Olympic Games because of the racial, political, economic and religious oppression, brutality, murder and slavery committed separately or in combination......

Bbc Complaints

Sir: The BBC Complaints Commission (Lord Parker, and Sir Edmund Compton) has, in its first two adjudications found that one of the two programmes in question was unfair as a......