10 NOVEMBER 1923, Page 1

Mr. Lloyd George's last speech in America on Friday. November

2nd, was a memorable one, it is estimated that with the help of broadcasting between two and three million people listened to it. We hope that the words have sunk in. We would rank his appeal to America to help in salving Europe with that of General Smuts. Mr. Lloyd George said that America and Britain were trustees for the peace of the world, and that if they did 'lot together administer that trust civilization might perish within the present generation. No resistance .by the forces of evil could last long if America and Britain co-operated. The great menace in Europe to-day was that the nations still believed in force. Right must supersede might, and this could happen only if America made it clear to the world. that her interest in right was just as strong as when she took arms agaiiist Germany.