10 NOVEMBER 1923, page 28

Fellow - Travellers. By Horace Annesley Vachell....

net.) FELLOW - TRAVELLERS. By Horace Annesley Vachell. (Cassell. 12s. 6d. net.) When, at the beginning of chap. xv., we read "I warn my readers that this and the two following......

There Was A Real Need For This Admirable Little Book.

The eleven letters are supposed to have been written by his guardian to a Public School boy during his first term ; and they deal with subjects as varied as Games, Latin, Pride......

Norfolk In English Literature. By W. G. Waters....

net.) Counties may seem artificial boundaries for literature, and when we examine the greater men to whom Norfolk has given birth or residence we can find no peculiarities to......

The Charities.

The familiar work which the Charity Organization Society has produced for a generation appears in its thirty-second edition. All who have to deal with charities should know the......

Mr. Magnus, Who Is Vice-chairman Of The Girls' Public Day

School Trust, has produced an interesting record of the admirable work done by the Trust in the past half-century. It was the pioneer in providing good secondary schools for......

Essays And Criticism.

One of the most deadly weapons in - the armoury of criticism, whether of the politics you ignore, the literature you despise, or the ideals of people you dislike, is ridicule ;......

Junior Regional Geographies: Book Ii.—the British Isles....

Barker and Leonard Brooks. (University of London Press. 2s. net.) A good class book for the lower forms of Secondary Schools, written in a lively, simple manner and illustrated......


MEMORIES OF FOUR CONTINENTS. By Lady Glover. (Seeley, Service. 16s. net.) MEMORIES OF FOUR CONTINENTS. By Lady Glover. (Seeley, Service. 16s. net.) Lady Glover is the widow of......