10 NOVEMBER 1923, page 26

The Contemporary.

Dr. Gooch's memoir of Lord Morley is admirably phrased and adds some new touches to the familiar portrait. - He says, for instance, that "in later years Lord Morley frankly con-......

The Fortnightly.

A triple tribute of great interest is paid to the late Lord Morley. Mr. Massingham writes on "Morley the Humanist," emphasizing his dislike of war but, oddly enough, referring......

There Was A Real Need For This Admirable Little Book.

The eleven letters are supposed to have been written by his guardian to a Public School boy during his first term ; and they deal with subjects as varied as Games, Latin, Pride......

The London Mercury.

The balance of 'he Mercury shifts continually—one month the earlier part, the poetry, is best worth reading ; next month all the weight is in the tail. The November issue seems......

Sociology And Education:

The science of eugenics has two enemies : profligacy and prudery—Don Juan and M. Nicodeme. " Prenez garde que la pudeur, quand elle n'est pas uric grace, n'est qu'une niaiserie......

The National.

Professor Lyde is given the place of honour with an article on" German Trade or World Security ? " calling in ethnology of a kind to prove that the bullet-headed Prussians -are......

The Empire Review.

Mr. Winston Churchill lets himself go in criticizing an article about the British Empire which Mr. H. G. Wells contributed to the last number. Mr. Churchill says that Mr.......