12 JANUARY 1962, Page 11


Committee of 100-plus In Ferment Mirrors up to Art Advertising Authority Comas in the Congo Malta Preserved Down Coronation Street Vinous Questions Dr. Kenneth D.

The Fellowship Party Suggestio Falsi

Tony Southall. Nicolas. Walter Darsie Gillie Mark Mortimer J. H. Butterfield George Bartlett John Hale Alan Blaikley Crow, Raymond Postgate Ronald S. Mallone Rev. Victor H. Beaton COMMITTEE OF 100-PLUS

SIR,--Bernard Levin in his article 'Committee of 100- plus' asks four questions of the Committee. Two Paragraphs later he himself gives the answer to all four : 'Of course what one individual who is a Member of it says in a letter to a newspaper is neither here nor there, as far as the Committee's policies are concerned.'

The Committee of 100 has never attempted to disguise the fact that our movement contains people of widely differing political persuasion. We have stood for mass non-violent civil disobedience against nuclear weapons. Beyond a belief that this is a viable and necessary programme of action for the People of this country we have never demanded any othe: political qualifications of our members. We have full confidence that Alan Jackson has accepted this programme, and that as Secretary of the Scots Committee of 100 he is doing everything in his power to implement it. Any expression of opinion by Mr. Jackson or by any other member of the Committee, on any other topic can only be regarded ' Is their own personal view.


Acting Secretary, Committee of 100 13 Goodwin Street, N4