13 OCTOBER 1928, Page 31

More Books of the Week

(Continued from page 491.) Colonel T. W. White has written a very vivid and moving story of flying in Mesopotamia in 1915, and captivity and escape in Turkey in Guests of the Unspeakable (John Hamilton, 12s. 6d.). Few are better qualified to write of the sufferings of the Kut Garrison, for Colonel White some- times ran great risks and frequently went hungry himself in order to help our sick and wounded soldiers : the present writer can vouch for this, for he was there. Sportsmanship is not enough of itself to make good reminiscences, but here they are allied to a carefully kept diary and a clean, clear style : the result is a volume that all who enjoy " escape books " will want to add to their library. We can con- fidently recommend Colonel White, both as a guide to war- time Turkey (seen, froth the very inside) and as a teller of true adventure.