13 OCTOBER 1928, page 20

Accord With His Contention That " The Public School 'and

University man may be, and probably is, an excellent citizen; but it is utter nonsense to suppose that in him is vested the divine right of national leadership." And with him I......

Winter Distress In The Coalfields [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] Sta,—Your paper has already done such signal service in calling attention to the conditions in some of our coalfields that I venture to ask for your assistance in......

Points From Letters

BLACKBIRDS. The negro review " Blackbirds" now touring the London suburbs advertises its presence by cages of living blackbirds which are hung outside the theatre in the......

District Councils And County Councils

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In his fascinating weekly notes Sir W. Beach Thomas has referred to the Countryman in such exceedingly kind terms that I should be very......