13 OCTOBER 1928, page 19

British Spas

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—Your correspondent " A Sufferer," whose letter on " British Spas " appeared in your - issue of the 6th instant, has made accusations......

Ancestors, The Sins Which Are So Frequently Attributed To...

Alsatian may perhaps be explained as the result of " atavism," without postulating a considerable admixture of wild blood by breeders in modern times. Australian farmers,......

Joint Bunyan And De Guileville's

" PILGRIM'S PROGRESS " - [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Smi—In the literature which has been published with regard to the two hundredth anniversary of John Bunyan, I have......

The Death Of The Prince Imperial

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sta,—The writer of the brief article in your issue of the 22nd ult. on the Prince Imperial states that among the party present on the occasion......

Accord With His Contention That " The Public School 'and

University man may be, and probably is, an excellent citizen; but it is utter nonsense to suppose that in him is vested the divine right of national leadership." And with him I......