17 AUGUST 1929, Page 28

Financial Notes


IT is not often that the stock markets experience such general and violent fluctuations in prices accompanied by so complete a change in sentiment as .has been experienced during the past week. In a previous article I deal more fully with the fundamental causes responsible for these disturbed conditions, but it may be noted here that, speaking generally, the sharp fall in all securities from Consols to Mining shares, occasioned by the combined effect of The Hague Conference crisis and the monetary scare, has been in most cases more than recovered, the general tone of most markets at the time of writing being almost one of buoyancy, a circumstance the more noteworthy in view of the fact that we are now at the height of the holiday season. Activity has been most pro- nounced in some of the Industrial securities which are favourites with New York and the Continent, some striking gains having taken place in such descriptions as Hydro Electrics, Brazil Tractions, Margarine Unie, and Marks and Spencer.

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