17 AUGUST 1929, page 28

Better Trade Figures.

The foreign trade returns for the month of July were more encouraging than for some little time past both as regards the general volume of business and also as regards the trade......

Financial Notes

A DISTURBING WEEK. IT is not often that the stock markets experience such general and violent fluctuations in prices accompanied by so complete a change in sentiment as .has......

Tribute To Advertising.

It might be thought - that the products of the well-known firm of Guinness were sufficiently well known to require no further stimulus in the shape of public advertisements. At......

Good Brewery Profits.

A year ago Friary, Holroyd and Healy's Breweries, Limited, enlarged its capital by a 200 per cent. share bonus, while a public issue was subsequently made at the price of 38s.......


It is not surprising that the shares of the Aerated Bread Company should have declined on the special Report made by Sir W. H. Peat at the request of the directors into the......

Finance Public & Private

The Hague—Wall Street—and Markets IT is some time since the Stock Markets have experienced such tempestuous times as those through which they have passed during the last week.......