17 AUGUST 1929, page 18

Mason And Dixon's Line

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Seeing in a recent Spectator among the " Questions and Answers " that there is mention of the important boundary line between Maryland and......

A Hundred Years Ago The Spectator, August 15th, 1829.

JACOTOT'S NEW SYSTEM OF UNIVERSAL INSTRUCTION. M. Jacotot is a Belgian, who has introduced some new ideas into education, which, if we may believe the witnesses who speak of......


Rainbow OUT of the greyness Shone this lovely thing . . So on dead boughs Do the nightingales sing, And from a drab earth Sweetest roses spring.. . Suddenly it came, But I could......

Points From Letters

In answer to your correspondent " A.M.B.," Eastbourne, the lines And then he thinks he knows The hills whence his life rose And the sea where it goes. are the last lines of the......