17 FEBRUARY 1917, Page 17



" FALL in, that awkward squad, and strike no more

Attractive attitudes! Dress by the right !

The luminous, rich colours that you wore Have changed to hueless khaki in the night.

Magic? What's magic got to do with you?

There's no such thing : blood's red, and skies are blue.

They gasped and sweated, marching up and down; 1 drilled them till they cursed my raucous shout. Love chucked his lute away, and dropped his crown; Rhyme got sore heels and wanted to fall out. " Left, right! Press on your butts! " They looked at me, Reproachful; how I longed to set them free.

I gave them lectures on Defence, Attack; They fidgeted and shuffled, yawned and sighed, And boggled at my questions; Joy was slack, And Wisdom gnawed his fingers, gloomy-eyed; Young Fancy—but I loved him all the while-7 Stared at his note-book with a rueful smile.

Their training done, I shipped them all to France, Where most of those I'd loved too well got killed; Rapture, and pale Enchantment, and Romance— And 'many a sickly, slender lord who'd filled My soul long since with lutanies of sin—

Went home, because they couldn't stand the din.

But the kind, common ones that I despised (Hardly a man of them I'd count as friend), What stubborn-hearted virtues they disguised!

They stood and played the hero to the end—

Won gold and silver medals bright with bars, And marched resplendent home with crowns and stars.