17 FEBRUARY 1917, page 22

The Light Above The Cross Roads. By Mrs. Victor Rickard.

(Duck- worth and Co. Gs.) —The psychology of a patriotic English spy is elaborately analysed in this book, and though the author does not succeed in making her story entirely......

Lord Stowell. By E. S. Roscoe. (constable And Co. 7s.

Gd. not.)— The revived activity of our long dormant Prize Court has reminded lawyers of their debt to William Scott, Lord Stowell. As Judge of the High Court of Admiralty from......

Readable Novels. —the Hilleru'ay Letters. By T. Cobb....

5s. net.)—Mr. Cobb is an excellent craftsman, but the present book, though accomplished, is not up to his usual standard of interest.-----A Little World Apart. By Ceorge......

History Of The Cutlers' Company Of London. Vol. I. By

Charles Welch. (Printed privately for the Cutlers' Company.)--Tho Cutlers completed their fifth century as a Company last December, and marked the occasion by ordering their......

. Some Books Of The Week.

ucetim in this column does not ncesssuity :11J.14 Is xBaxp•a:a' rams The Cambridge History of English Literature. Edited by Sir A. W. 1Vard and A. R. Waller. Vols. XIH.-XIV.......


THE LEATHERWOOD GOD. - f Ma. HOWELLS'S recent volume of Reminiscences gave welcome proof of his unabated powers of thought and expression. We are not sure whether this story is......

Studies In New Zealand Scenery. By B. E. Baughan. (whitcomb*

and Tombs. 4s. 6d.)—Three of Miss Baughan's seven agreeable essays are enlarged from articles which she contributed to the Spectator. Soma readers will remember " The Finest......

Ireland In The Last Fifty Years. By Ernest Barker....

Press, Is. Gel. net.)—This well-written pamphlet gives a dispassionate account of Irish affairs during the last half-century. It shows that if Ireland has a grievance, it is not......

The Argentine Through English Eyes. By J. A. Hammerton....

and Stoughton. 12s. net.)--The discomforts of life in Buenos Ayres, a great city in a new and rich country where prices rule high, are vividly described in this book. The......