17 FEBRUARY 1917, page 16

A Scottish Mother.

[To THE EDITOR OF Ina " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your correspondent " Scotus " misquotes Hogg's song, " Cam ye by Athol," in one or two slight particulars. / The lines read:— " I hae......

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator.") Sir,—may I Be

allowed to point out that the American officer named Lee, who accompanied Major Mordecai and McClellan as a member of the American Military Mission to the British Head- quarters......

A Christmas Letter From The Front. [to The Editor Or

ins " SPECTATOR."] Ssa,—Perhaps you may think the enclosed letter from Salonika worthy of a place in your columns. The writer, a scholar of his College (Oxford), who took a......

" Salonika, December 12th, 1916.

Good morning, my loves. The weather has been so beautiful and bracing to-day. that I feel almost as though I were at home. I am very well now and happy, in spite of some......

Religion And War.

[To MR EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Some of your readers may be grateful to have their attention drawn to the following passage from George Eliot; which occurs in the last......

Two Verses By Carlyle.

[To THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—In a review in your paper of Mr. Macphail's Book of Sorrow you refer, I see, to his inclusion of . Shakespeare's " Fear no more." I......

A Crimean Veteran.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sse,—Your article on "A Crimean Veteran " reminded me that I had not paid my respects this year to the only survivor I have the honour of......