19 DECEMBER 1840, Page 9


The heaviness (if the Foreign F.xelianges on Tuesday, and a vague ah.prehen- shin of a decline of:he French Funds from disturbances iti Paris during the cere- monies of the l7oh, caused a dem-ession iii Consols • the price ir Account has been as low as Se1.i. The intelligence of to-day, which brings as-vomits of the steadiness of the French .9.2eurities, has given a better tots,' to the market, and, an improvement of per cent. has been trie conseqatnee. Th,re has, however, been but little busim ss tieing ; and, with the exceptiou of a farae speculative sale of Consols at 6S:., on Manday, we have na importata Itari:ants to repart. The rates cut Exel.ant ii ii Anisterdatn and Hamburg declined on '1Vuesday from A to h per cent., but that on Paris remained stationat:y.. To•day there has been a bet ter appearance, though we cannot quote ;my advance. It Was -„tenerally hileved that the state of the Exchanges would have led to the adoption of seine it measures by: the Bank Director,: and as yes- terday was the day: of their tismil weekly ireeting. it is Cs rehatteil that they were discm sing the propriety of the _An mi.-Ay, :mil that a notice 111)011 the alibjvct mti.l t be cX1, clot iii the course of the It : but no notice of any hiu,sl was issued. We believe the report to have originated in the fact (lint a SpeAil Omit was hell yesterday at the Bank, for the purpase of addressing the Queen and Ihince ..1.1.10:41-, and that some half-informed quidnunc in- ferred that an imp irtaet i s y tsure iv,is ims agitation.

The statement of iiii ditias and assets of the Bank of England, published in our last nuallier completvd the reparts relative to that eatabliahment for the year ;ai. 1 it may he lust] act it e tig.ttlier from the St:items-Ms thus published

by :1101.ot-ire, the course of thia e-at establishment during the last twelve

months. The av, rage of the chetah:tie:I Is hen ; and as it Las never exceeded lih'i!!!'haititat, or fallen b. Iai• -!/ , it is 111 be seen that it

has been on the is Mile very- es:II:dile. its extreme variation having fallen short of Ltagal,Out:/. The ay. ra,ze afro:al:on du ring the year has bven-1.16o.771-4. The high- est maim ut in tore at any one 1,r:et. having lieen at the publication of the aver- age for the three months endia,..-, 1St!! August. when it a:no:lute:110 4,560,0M.;

and the lowest zit the lallication id! the cc f t1:: three months enling

7th January. whea it a as nal54.011t/. O.:17 ‘. anion aeons to have grauiuuafhatiginented ni the Coirailv1.:.• c, - vc,ir till the month of Atteatst, wheii it hail re. elied to 4.."elo., • ! is . ,v, 'natal uI to have ex- perienecl a slow but lit I :. t!so : return, when it a as t.t.511,1.nao/. 'f .

• and 16,7;l-dodtla ; thus shael:,:- ;l highest average of bullion recorded is, t 1.e lowest

The most strikin,-; the con- . tinned i.itilinution ism tile amount si t sits. At the ne:..-etnelit of , it was 10.313,000/.; and fell is; urae of that ! Loring tS4t., it Las reached ;AY:. !, a is: al. ...d the ls: it as

.N101::::: 5555 very ia oil W‘ou,sday, ;,. , , :t


'ssim'l, tile Old a Cit sl:ly I: .!„:-Cs , , I

C.'s::: I. s Ia.-

lit- -,-u' having on ono or rues ; the Bank thrice it:1pr wed to la,

and to day at 1561 for 31.me., :

Tiler,- has been but alight lins1:..-ss I Divillendshe,ying Eurotiean Stoehs ! BY the last athkes ilull the 1.'

1:1-: " ill the republic ea' New Groh:ell.

stale -. and that the Alexis-tin .

.impart the acautity 17 ! dc1res;s511 Co;tr:5'.1.1! I :\ 1..'

0al!.,11 to 21; :Ind tile t:

revived aliout hi,r t: : _as e ;ea.-muted ed 11..ii : . s et!

Bath ; :as are ex- i ersaa, were I per eilit, hula,- enr I -is: . : a

. lust it' all ialprovealeat of abotlt ',. ;,er Cs :::.

It'a% V ill al: al.•saie,.' Of 1s11411,-. as.,,I I:' ',: •._ ,.

tt: pa i :',..ent stp*in the Brighton S:.al, s : .. a ilai7 or tau ::::.0 : lat ionlai ;.,.. n .,....,:,

3 1,er Cent. Consols shut Ditto for Account Sellers 89 Relcian 5per Cents. Columbian 6 per Cents 97 9 24 i 3 per Cent. Reduced..Sellers Si • Danish 3 per Ceuts

77 8

31 per Cent. Ditto New 31 per Cents. 974 I shut

Dutch 21 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents. C011Sti

501 I ::8 4 Bank Stuck 156 8

Portuguese Regency ill,V1 CIS. 321 81

Exchequer Bills 1 pin. Ditto 3 per Cents 214 I Italia Stock

238 Ili issiau Spec Cents .

11.21 131 Brazilian 5 per Cents 71 2 Spanish (Active) 13C i