19 DECEMBER 1840, page 10

What Diplomatists Mean By " Settled." Lord Hums:am:1n Is...

time aware that the real difficulties of the Egypto-Turkish question are only beginning. On Monday, Lord PALMERSTON'S morning organ spoke of it the correspondence between the......

Are We Advancing ? • To Tim Editor Or Tile

SPECTATOR. nulun Hill, Droracre. 3t1 December 1840. Stn—If you will permit me, I propose to make a few observations on some topics lately handled by you. There is one of them......

Topics Of The Day.

APOTHEOSIS OF NAPOLEON. THE cannon which announced the arrival of the body of Napo- LEON at the Church of the Invalides, can scarcely have failed to re- mind some of the......

Money Maiiket.

The heaviness (if the Foreign F.xelianges on Tuesday, and a vague ah.prehen- shin of a decline of:he French Funds from disturbances iti Paris during the cere- monies of the......

East India Shipping.

Arri" ed -At Liverpool, Dee. 12th, Adam Lodge, .tames, from Bengal; and 111o. Larch. Booth, from Bombay. In the Clyde. 12th, Wilson, Houston, from Bombay. At Madras, Jelin......