19 MARCH 1927, Page 1

News of the Week -

HE Cantonese forces are again moving towards Shanghai and there is little confidence among the rtheners that they will be able to save the situation. g Chung-chang, the defender of Shanghai, has ground, near the Taipu Lake, and the nearest point contact between North and South is now only twenty es from Shanghai. Chang-Tso-lin, the Northern mmander4n-Chief, is advancing through Honan to ark the Cantonese from the west, but he has first work his way through the forces under Chin Yun-ao, 0 is-- loosely attached to the inactive and enigmatical Pei-fu. Nanking is the first objective of the Cantonese, 0 hope to cut off Chang Chung-chang from his Northern flexions. To put the matter bluntly we must contem- e the possibility that within a few weeks Shanghai and liking wiH be in the hands of the Kuomintang. If this uld happen there. will no doubt be an extremely ge.rous phase when the armies of side are departing the arrnie8'd TioSiesSien.'