19 MARCH 1927, page 15

Country Life And Sport

FI:OZEN CACOPIIONY." Tnivellers in the Lakes of Westmorland and Cumberland .ord with miserable consistency examples of the ruin of the fiery that Wordsworth loved and......

Salmon In Shoals.

This spring appears to have attracted to our rivers, in Ireland as well as Scotland and England, such quantity of salmon as equals any record in recent annals. The other day a......

Lmi Western Australia.

From overseas have conic to London many High ommissioners and Agents-General whom London has much Pnreeiated. High in that honourable list comes Sir Hal olehateli whom London is......

It Is A Sign Of The Times That Among The

most well-informed rotestants against such desecration are the motorists. Not 1 motorists arc exclusive lovers of speed and sophistication. hey regard their car as a shuttle......

A Question Of Training.

It is not a 'bad sign that many people who are not them- selyes active athletes are showing a lively interest in the training of the Oxford and Cambridge men now on the eve of......