19 MARCH 1927, page 44

Old Splendours Of The Desert .

Vanished Cities of Northern Africa. By Mrs. Steuart Erskine. illustrated by Major Benton Fletcher. (Hutchinson. 24s.) Tins is a beautiful book, beautifully illustrated. It will......


Quixotes and Queer Fish Lucky Numbers. By Montague Glass. (Heinemann. 7s. 6e1.) THERE is a good measure of quixotry in the character of John Fortescue even when he is a " tight......

Hay Dniana

Haydn. By Michel Brenet. (Oxford University Pms-i:. net.; Joseph Haydn and seine Sendung. By Alfred Sehnerich. Second Edition. (Vienna : Amalthea-Verlag.) Joseph Haydn and seine......