1 MARCH 1856, Page 31


In the last session of Parliament 73 acts were passed in connexion with railways. They were for new companies, extensions of old lines, abandon- ment of former lines, deviations, additional capital, and so forth. Lines were authorized to the extent of 406 miles,29 chains, with a capital stook of 6,751,133/., and borrowing powers of 2,074,2071. ; but as other acts empow- ered promoters to abandon lines for 362 miles 19 chains, with a capital of 2,675,6131., and borrowing powers of 896,0601., the real increase for the year was only 44 miles 10 chains, a capital of 4,075,5191., and a borrowing power of 1,178,156/. These figures apply to the United Kingdom : there were three acts incorporating these companies-Bombay, Baroda, and Cen- tral India ; Cape Town Railway and Dock ; Scinde Railway.