1 MARCH 1856, page 16


On the 18th February, Mary, Wife of Isaac Hughes, of Nantsyddion, of four children—three girls and one boy ; the mother and children are doing well. ' On the 21st, at......

20th February 1856. Sin—although I Am Not A Great Reader

of newspapers, yet I take con- siderable interest in the Spectator, because the articles contained in it are more philosophically treated than the articles of a newspaper......


Woman's Mission.

San — In reading attentively the letter in last week's Spectator entitled "Woman's Mission," for the purpose of attempting a reply, I find it far from easy to grapple with......


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 26. WAD. DEPARTMENT, Feb. 26.—Caratry.—Ist Itegt. of Life Guards—Lieut. A. W. Peyton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Viscount Dupplin, who......