1 MAY 1915, Page 2

One, or possibly two, German airships appeared over Ipswich after

midnight on Thursday and dropped a number of bombs, apparently chiefly of an incendiary character, which set fire to several houses and buildings. Though the houses burned fieroely, the fires were soon put out by the fire brigade, and there was no loss of life. Bombs were also dropped at points between Ipswich and Bury St. Edmunds, and at Bury St. Edmunds itself houses were set on fire. The Germans must try again if they wish to intimidate us by meaua of serial raids. In all probability, however, these raids are only preliminary exhibitions of frightfulness. Their real object is probably reconnaissance and a test of Zeppelin endurance. We can only say that we are quite ready for the great raid. Let them all come—stink-pots, incendiary bombe, and all the other childish devilries which can be devised by German science.