1 MAY 1915, page 14

The French Wounded.

[To mu EDITOR or mm .Ersorerom"] SIR,—May we plead in your columns for the work of the French Wounded Emergency Fond, which provides help for many of the military hospitals in......

Officers For Volunteer Training Corps. [to Rss Sono: Or Ran

"Srsernma"l Sra,—Volunteer Corps have been singularly successful in their commanding officers. A large number of old Army officers and ex-Territorials have identified themselves......

Living On Their Pay.

[To rigs Banos or rim ..iirscrsros.'1 Snt,—Since my letter printed in your issue of April 17th in reply to your correspondent " X." I have received several communications from......

May Llmr, 1915—the Russian Flag Day. [to No Eonox Or

Tao ..SencriTos.") Ste.,—May I be permitted to announce that arrangements hare now been practically completed both in London and the chief provincial towns for holding a Russian......